Things we like

“The client may be king, but he’s not the art director” Von R Glitschka

The fastest way to get your target market’s attention is a great shot. There is less and less time to make an impression in our click-through society – and before anyone has read a word of your carefully crafted copy, if the photography is ordinary (and sadly too many published images don’t even qualify for ordinary) there’s a good chance your viewer has already moved on.

We’re seeing more and more work – and some from well-known brands that should know better – where the marketing department may just have assumed more creative control than is their due…

Alex at Teneight has worked with IWP for several years now and is a trusted shooter with a great eye for detail – and can turn the everyday into eye candy. Any one of the images below for example, shot recently for a Gastro-cafe client – give you the right prompt to engage with the communication.

Simple, yes?

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